by Sylvia McNicoll | Sep 4, 2011 | Sylvia McNicoll

Lucy usually writes scary novels like The Mysterious Mummer or Walking with the Dead (a Silver Birch Winner) but here she’s collaborating with my daughter Robin McNicoll to touch up some illustrations on a new graphic novel. It’s still in grant proposal stage so I don’t want to say too much about it. I did read the first fifteen pages and it’s hilarious. I hope Canada Council juries like having their funny bones tickled. Still who cares, as long as I can buy and read the whole book soon. Attracted by the hum of creativity, Hunter sat down to watch the process and in the end, received an autographed first draft, worth millions once Lucy takes over for J.K. Rowling.
by Sylvia McNicoll | Sep 4, 2011 | Sylvia McNicoll
Nothing to do with writing or selling books, I just love sandcastles. For the past couple of years I’ve been a judge in Burlington’s Sandcastle Competition. I wouldn’t say I’m an expert in anything sandy but I just love the sculptures and the beach, watching the sailboats come in. This year they made all their past winners judges and really didn’t need me. How about I emcee instead? So same deal, great sandart pirate themed this year, hot hot weather, good beach music and lots of yachts and other boats drifting in. I intro’d bands and events into a microphone, something authors are pretty used to doing and enjoyed the day. Now I said it had nothing to do with writing but as I stood there looking out on the lake, I remembered the scene from Dying to Go Viral. As part of her redo of her last week on earth, 14 year old Jade wants to go to the beach but has no car or means and can’t share with her family that she’s only got a week to live either. So she hops a bus and heads for Burlington Beach and it’s a great day even though it’s not Hawaii or California or any other exotic beach locale. Dying along with Jade, taught me to appreciate local sunrises and sunsets and beaches as well as sand pirates like this.

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