Whittling Down the Cover Choices

Whittling Down the Cover Choices

In my family there are three graphic designers and others trained in  photography and art as well as nine grandchildren. I ask everyone’s opinions on the cover in order to see if they conform with mine.  I definitely wanted railings for my stairs, for safety and accuracy. Dogs can’t climb Chedoke stairs because of the raised metal points. Ella wants to have a dog but is allergic. However, her friend’s dog Bala is a Whoodle–part Wheaten terrier part poodle–supposedly hypoallergenic and he does come to a training session only sits at the top. Dogs on covers sell books, says my publisher.So Ella aspires to climb CN Tower stairs, and hopes to own a hypoallergenic pooch of her own some day. Having those images at the top, even if the CN tower is not  really visible from Hamilton set Cherokee stairs, represents the goal.

What do you think? Accuracy vs mass appeal? Final cover coming up soon.


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