This is the amazing fountain given as a 400th year birthday present from a department store owner to Quebec City. Originally, it won a prize at a world fair back in the 1800’s. At the bottom there are frogs either spitting water to the next layer or projectile vomiting it right to the top.
Quebec is crowded with tourists and people celebrating the summer festival. The old town is quaint and filled with shops and cafes, still not a lot to entertain a seven year old. We did watch a juggler who climbed and balanced the ladder and then juggled torches from the top.
Bonjour Sylvia !
Did Quebec City look so old to you ? We’re celebrating our 400th anniversary, not the 600th. 🙂
Hope you enjoyed you stay !
Have a nice day !
Hi ! It’s me again. Sorry for bring up one more detail, but the foutain is not France birthday gift (I think they gave some sort of cultural center). I think the story is worth telling as it will be my own modest tribute to a special person here in Quebec City…
The foutain is actually of gift from Peter Simons, the owner of the Simons clothing stores (I don’t think there is one yet in Ontario, but there were talks for one in Toronto) He is of Scottish descent, fifth genreation I think in Quebec City. The family founded the store chain in Quebec City around 1840-1850. So, this is his private gift (worth I believe $2M !) to the city for its 400th anniversary. Neeedless to say that his “giving back to the city” attitude made a big impression on the people in Quebec City. You are right the fountain is truly magnificient. It is said it was bought at a flea market in France, which would indicate that not all flea markets are the same ! Mr Simons contacted the city to ask “If I buy it, will you install it ?”. You know the answer !
Bye, have a nice day !
Quebec City