In a Lazyboy chair, The Second Trial by Rosemarie Boll
The lazyboy chair makes a very comfortable seat for reading this gripping but uncomfortable story. It’s about a boy who is the only member in his family who gets along with his abusive father and misses him after he, his mom and sister, go into a witness protection plan. His new life is his second trial and it spirals downward till he engages in abusive behaviour himself. Here’s where I have to burrow into my chair. I no longer sympathize with him when he stands by and even helps restrain a red haired boy as he is beaten and set on fire for the colour of his hair. Can you enjoy a read where the character sinks below your level of tolerable bad behaviour? Recently a book of mine was rejected because the main character lied and was therefor unsympathetic to the editorial panel. I think the only rule, really, is for whatever reason if the reader feels compelled to continue, the story succeeds. The abusive behavior bottomed out there and was the turning point for the character. The Second Trial by Rosemarie Boll is a great argument for adults to read young adult. The books can be just intense as adult novels but are usually shorter with more of a concrete ending.
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