Metaphors, Similes, Using Five Senses to Create Scenes

Metaphors, Similes, Using Five Senses to Create Scenes

Writing your true story, where to get started. Scroll down for Getting the Idea, then go to Developing the Idea and then finish with Creating Scenes. These are bare bone tips to help you get writing.By the way they can be used equally well with fiction writing.  Visit Writing the Rollercoaster Youtube to watch adult writer Lynda Simmons writing tips on freewill writing, finding time to write and reading to improve your writing.

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Metaphors, Similes, Using Five Senses to Create Scenes

Second writing tip: Developing Your Idea

March 30 is looming and we want your story or poem. In the first writing tip, we explored how to brainstorm some ideas on paper. Talk about your idea with your friends or family. Decide what you hope readers will take away from your end, ask yourself what’s the high moment in your story and then think about how best to begin.

When you’re ready, submit at

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