You think that it would be a relief to type “The End” when you’re done a book. First of all many writers don’t even do that–they type “-30-” some old-fashioned printer’s code to signal not to look further for more text to print.
Instead, I , and many other writers I’ve spoken to about this, get depressed. My process is to write as quickly as I can, much the way I read. I gobble up stories when I read, I spit out first drafts when I write. Then I have to decide whether I’ve shaped it correctly. Off it goes to fellow writers whose job it is not to applaud–although we can all use a lot of that–but to pick it apart before an acquisitions editor can. I think it’s the next leg of the journey that depresses me. The knowledge that there will be a whole bunch of flaws in my baby that I have to “correct”.
Really, though, it’s more like adding a second and third coat of paint. I splash down a first draft and the reader can’t see the colour that well until I add a second and third coat.
Anyhow, for this book, I feel pretty good. Thanks to the five classes I visited this year:
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