Pong and Ping Pins–New Book Present

Pong and Ping Pins–New Book Present

Authors need to acknowledge their own creations and buy themselves gifts. This is to help fortify us for the tough world out there that perhaps doesn’t celebrate our work enough. I decided to reward myself for The Great Mistake Series with a specially designed and handmade pin by Cathy Disbrow, a designer and illustrator extraordinaire. (The name of her company is Woolly Doodles, have a look at her work over at http://www.woollydoodles.com) The first stage is selecting sketches. These are of Pong, the rescue greyhound in the story, and Ping, a Jack Russell largely based on my dog Mortie. The top two are the ones I chose.

In the story the dogs are described as a miss matched wagon team, one big, silent and powerful, Pong; the other small, bark and bold, Ping.  They are already earning me great reviews. “The descriptions of canine exuberance, however, are delightful and the best parts of this quick read and first in a promised mystery series.”

Pay no attention to the “however” which  is why I need to have this piece of art created for myself.


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