IMG_6351As a writer, I love reading; it’s what led me to my career.  However, with deadlines and faster turnarounds to editorial suggestions and copy edits as well as increased responsibility for self/book promotion,  I often find myself sacrificing my reading.

Recently, I wrote an article called “Writers, Editors, Blueberries, Raspberries” for Canadian Children’s Booknews the Spring edition and as for many of these pieces, I investigated the process of the authors.  What startled me is how Sara Harvey writes.  Because she edits full-time for Orca, she treats her writing more as a holiday. She wakes up on a Saturday morning and first thing reads for awhile.  Not her own work but perhaps her favourite author, Meg Rosoff.  Then she writes.

I wish I could remember the second writer I read about, somewhere, perhaps on a blog–who dedicates the first part of the day to reading rather than writing.  It’s like upside down supper: dessert as your entree, then your savoury dish as the ending to the meal.

While I don’t know if I can make this total reversal, I am vowing to read more.  Reading is the ultimate staycation and since I’ve finished the “away” portion of my vacation in Newfoundland and my credit card needs to recuperate–I am throwing myself into reading.

So far I’ve read Whatever by Ann Walsh, The Shadow Queen by Sandra Gulland and Emily for Real by Sylvia Gunnery.  Currently I’m reading The Darkest Part of the World by Urve Tamberg.  Readers and writers out there, join me in devoting more time to reading fiction!photo  “Leave me alone, I’m working.”

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